Friday, March 6, 2020


Looking back at it now I can understand how I've negelected this blog for over a year....

I'm not happy about it, but I guess it's happened and there's only myself to blame. Sooo.. on to a quick update and my hopeful plan to get back to updating.

The Star Crossed series, a paranormal romance series I've been working on, was completed this last year. Witching Hour Madness and Knot in Destiny both released and took up a lot of my time.

Our old carport has been transformed into a new living room / dinning area. This opened up space for a study where I can disappear when I need an office. It also houses all my hubby and daughter's books along with my own collection.

The fluffies are still fluffy. Currently the extra fluffy one, Demon, is stalking a roofer by the sound of his footsteps on the roof. Yeah, not sure how she can tell the difference between him and the others but she's in the house looking up and just following the sound of this one guy. The other fluffies are just needing reassurance that the house isn't being torn down.

Oh yes! Least I forget, we now have four chickens giving up fresh eggs every day. My daughter worked hard to earn the money to buy them and once those little fluffs showed up last fall, she was in love. Of course, I've become the chicken care giver.

To learn more about the chicken raising you can visit my Vocal.Media articles on backyard chickens. ( link: ) There are several follow up articles after the first one. If you're interested you can find those through my profile.

It's been a busy year and I hope everything will even out as the we move forward. So until next time:

Peace and Love

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