Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Meet Mittens

This past fall a small mama cat had a litter of kittens somewhere in the brush behind my husband's shed. My family didn't know about the kittens until two furry little beasts started to invade that same shed. The mama made visits back and forth through out the day and it really riled up Demon and Yepa in their fence. This cat would just prance down the driveway like nothing was wrong though.

The kittens were still small in October. They were little fluff balls of cuteness, but it was already getting cold at night. The hubby and I talked about it and even brought the kittens up to Lou. She was EXCITED to see these mystery kittens that were hiding out up there.

The thing was these were the kittens of a stray cat. Growing up I came face to face with a number of "stray" kittens. They were more like wild cats and I have a few scars to prove it. So, we made sure to give the kittens and their mama plenty of space. Still, we couldn't stand the idea of those little fluff balls being cold.

We set up a plastic tub with a blanket inside and cut a hole in the corner so they could get in and out. We also would set a little food out a few times a week. They were kittens, but they'd have to learn to hunt on their own. So, just a little food here and there. Not every day. The kittens hung out in the tub a few times over the course of a month or so.

Then they stopped appearing. That's normal. They moved on once they were old enough to do their own thing. We left the tub out because winter was starting to set in, but we didn't see any signs of them again. That is until this past weekend.

Image may contain: people sitting, cat and indoorMy grandmother-in-law had been complaining about this cat walking on her car, but I never saw anything. Then on Sunday my husband was changing her tire and there by her house was this young black cat. I call this age the teenage years for cats. Not a kitten, but not an adult either. We coaxed her closer and she was so loving. She followed us down the hill and just loved on us. We gave her a little food, let her explore the carport, and let her be.

She's still here and Lou has named her Mittens.

If Mittens is still her come Friday I'll be going to the animal shelter and getting a certificate to have her fixed. There are a lot of strays in the area. We don't need another litter of kittens. So getting her fixed is a must. We'll also get her a rabies vaccine. This way even if she does move on later she'll be a little more okay out there.

But for now, our furry family has a new member.... No, Queen Shadow does not like this intruder, but she's dealing.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Chasin High Noon

I've been busy working on setting up a book release! Things have been going a little crazy, but we're holding on. There will be a new post later this week... Until then I'll just leave this here...

Stay Warm this Winter with this New Paranormal Romance Novella

Chasing High Noon, the third book in the Star Crossed Series by paranormal romance author J.R. White, will be hitting the shelves on Jan 31, 2019. For those engaged readers who need a quick read, this novella is sure to be a hit. Continue the journey with Malcolm and Meredith as they work through the strained details of their relationship and deal with the internal back stabbing of the Blackburn family. The Lunar Shadow is only a day away and now there’s a stranger worming his way into our leading lady’s life.

Chasing High Noon

Overworked, Meredith Blackburn is on a deadline. Restoring the Dragon’s Eye, a family relic that connects them to their magical roots, has turned into a trial by fire. With her family breathing down her neck, the Lunar Shadow can’t come soon enough.

Malcolm Blackwood is sure Meredith is still there somewhere, but with a new attendant and family pressure, she’s just too wrapped up to notice that things are wrong. Warned about forbidden magic and desperate to support his lover, he’s tiptoeing through a mine field.

Will the Blackburns be satisfied? Or will Meredith be cast out?

Coming to Amazon Jan 31, 2019 in both Print and Digital
Visit to learn more!

Now out for Pre-Order @

Friday, January 4, 2019

Perk Points Apps: PerkTV

(Written in early November 2018. Just posting. Updates about Perk Points coming soon!)

So being a work from home mom means I spend the odd time here and there looking for some ways to earn money passively. Passive income is money earned without a lot of effort. It is never going to payout enough to pay the bills, but it can help with the little things.

The newest thing I've found is Perk Points. This is a family of apps used to earn points that can be cashed out for gift cards or even through PayPal. I've only been using a few of the apps for a week and out of that only a few days, so this review isn't too in depth yet.

So far, the largest and easiest pay out seems to be the PerkTV app. You can let videos play on your phone while you .. do whatever you want. I let it play while doing housework. It will just roll out videos a minute of two in length that payout 1 to 3 perk points each and you can just let it play for hours. So the points really add up.

I earned somewhere between 20 and 50 Perk Points when I was folding laundry this morning. While that doesn't seem like a lot, considering 1000 points roughly equals $1, it adds up over time.

If you're household is anything like mine you've got an old phone laying around somewhere. I grabbed up one of these older phones and linked it to the wifi so these apps aren't even taking up space on the phone I use!

If you're interested in checking out the Perk Apps consider using my referral link: HERE

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Welcome 2019

It's 2019 and I'm not going to lie about this. 20 years ago I was old enough to party like it was 1999. Man, that makes person feel old. Still it's been a great ride and I hope it keeps rolling great. My daughter went back to school today and I've finally been able to turn on my computer to get some productive work done. So, let's start looking at what's up.

Over the Winter break Lou decided she wanted to learn how to sew. This was an awesome moment for me. She watched me hand sew her quilt. Yeah, you read that right. I hand stitched a full sized quilt. Not something I care to repeat, but there's some pride in it.

The sewing went alright. Lou picked out a handful of felt pieces she had tucked away in her room somewhere and said she wanted to make a quilt for some of her stuffed animals. I gave her a need and thread and she got to work. Sitting next to me she has sew four of the six pieces together and it's not looking half bad. Then I found something.

Little felt monsters. These lil guys are so cute and adorable I couldn't resit. While Lou worked on her quilt I set about making a couple of these things. She got interested and decided that she wanted to try her hand at it too. The results are in and they're smile inducing.

The first picture here is the monster Lou worked on. The arms were forgotten in the blur of learning. So this guy needs lots of hugs and love. The next pic is of monsters I worked on while she did her thing. These were so fun to make and I may end up making a few more.

New Years is always an event at our house. The fluffy family has to come inside and stay inside as the locals like to shot off fireworks. We all stay up to count down the new year. Shader, bless her, has a fear of loud noises, so come 2019 she was safe in the bedroom, but Demon and Yepa had fun with confetti. That stuff went everywhere! Lou loves playing with it too and there is still shiny pieces drifting around the carpet.

My applesauce cake came out a bit odd. It split into almost even slices once I flipped it out of the pan. Still, it may not look the best, but it tasted great. Though, Lou has threatened to send the picture into NailedIt. Apparently she wants to get me on the Netflix show.

2019 holds a lot in store. I've got two planned book releases. The Star Crossed Series is starting to wrap up this year and I'm looking forward to a few book signings at the local book store. Lou is turning 10 and I'm not sure I'm ready for that.

Later, there will be a few posts on those monsters and I'll share my recipe for the applesauce cake.

Have a great 2019!!