So being a work from home mom means I spend the odd time here and there looking for some ways to earn money passively. Passive income is money earned without a lot of effort. It is never going to payout enough to pay the bills, but it can help with the little things.
The newest thing I've found is Perk Points. This is a family of apps used to earn points that can be cashed out for gift cards or even through PayPal. I've only been using a few of the apps for a week and out of that only a few days, so this review isn't too in depth yet.
So far, the largest and easiest pay out seems to be the PerkTV app. You can let videos play on your phone while you .. do whatever you want. I let it play while doing housework. It will just roll out videos a minute of two in length that payout 1 to 3 perk points each and you can just let it play for hours. So the points really add up.
I earned somewhere between 20 and 50 Perk Points when I was folding laundry this morning. While that doesn't seem like a lot, considering 1000 points roughly equals $1, it adds up over time.
If you're household is anything like mine you've got an old phone laying around somewhere. I grabbed up one of these older phones and linked it to the wifi so these apps aren't even taking up space on the phone I use!
If you're interested in checking out the Perk Apps consider using my referral link: HERE
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